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Rights bind Responsibility

ยท One min read
Ron Amosa

"If you have rights and no responsibility, you get entitlement. If you have responsibility and no rights, you get enslavement."

Wanting the benefit, or advantage, privilege without the hard or messy part might be chalked up to human nature (I might disagree). But the "path of least resistence" behaviour never leads anywhere worth being.

Time and again we will see examples of what people turn into when they get everything they want, easily and immediately.

Do you think that makes for a meaningful life? Did you know that's what you thought you were doing by getting rich? Or getting ahead?

You mistook this for the thing you, the human being in you, wanted from this waking experience called life- you want to live it meaningfully.

Life is a series of hedonistic booby traps and then you die. Somewhere in the middle you want to unlock the "inner game" of why you are here.

Maybe something? Maybe nothing.

But if we don't bind the good (e.g. rights), to the "hard part" (i.e. responsibility) that's required to complete the spell, we have no chance seeing the inner game.