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Domain 4 - Identity and Access Management


This is an export from my Remnote with flashcard syntax included.

  • Identity & Access Management
    • AWS Directory Service
      • Customer wants to use on‒prem Active Directory as identity provider for AWS resources in the cloud, what THREE steps are needed to federate the on-prem IdP to AWS?↓ ↓
        • Setup IAM Roles with matching permissions.
        • Use AssumeRoleWithSAML in STS for temp creds.
        • Configure on-prem ADFS to add trust between AD + AWS
      • Using AD, restrict access access between AWS Services in cloud and on-prem users on-prem, what THREE steps should you use to set this up?↓ ↓
        • create AWS Managed Microsoft AD, using AWS Directory Service to manage cloud resources
        • setup ONE WAY incoming trust in on-prem AD ⇐
        • setup ONE WAY outgoing trust in AWS AD ⇒
    • Amazon Cognito
      • What do I use to grant distinct permissions for each team member between departments?→Cognito User Pool Groups (UPG)
      • User Pool is for AuthN or AuthZ?→AuthN. Handles the whole user functionality.
        • is User Pool an IdP?→Yes.
      • Identity Pool is for AuthN or AuthZ?→AuthZ.
        • is Identity Pool an IdP→No. Federates the AuthN to a 3rd party.
        • can Identity Pool use User Pool as an IdP?→Yes.
        • can Identity Pool be configured to provide unauthenticated access?→Yes.
    • IAM
      • account best practice for access management never use the {{root}} account and even delete any {{access}} keys owned by root.
      • when you give an external party IAM Role to access your accounts, what THREE things to check for issues? ↓
        • use the correct External ID
        • attached permission policy has sts:AssumeRole action
        • using the correct IAM Role ARN
      • CloudWatch metrics not being sent to CloudWatch, what least privilege changes to make?→add cloudwatch:putMetricData in IAM Policy.
    • Security Groups
      • what are valid sources for SG inbound rules? ↓
        • IP
        • CIDR range
        • VPC Security Group
      • is Instance-ID a valid source for inbound rule?→No.
    • When you hear "ML" and "discovering, classifying, and protecting sensitive data stored in Amazon S3", what AWS Security Service should you think of?→Amazon Macie.
    • When you have a Lambda IAM Execution Role, and you're using "SecureString" in Parameter store, and you get an error, what permission should you be checking for?→kms:Decrypt to decrypt the password in Parameter store.
    • SSH Keys
      • if compromised what AWS service allows you to modify all ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file across all affected EC2 instances?→AWS Systems Manager Run Command.
        • can modify-instance-attribute get you there?→No. command doesn't include SSH keys.