EC2 Fundamentals
These were the topics I created flashcards for (Remnote) and would revise them using spaced repetition. The formatting is an export from Remnote.
- What does EC2 stand for?βElastic Compute Cloud
- Capabilities (hint: EC2, EBS, ELB, ASG)β β
- Renting VM (EC2)
- Storage on Virtual Drives (EBS)
- Distributing Load (ELB)
- Scaling services (ASG)
- Configuration
- OS: Linux, Windows, Mac OS
- Storage
- Network: EBS & EFS
- hardware: Instance Store
- Network: card speed, Public IP
- Firewall Rules: Security Groups
- Bootstrap
- EC2 User Data is used to {{automate}} boot tasks e.g.β β
- software updates
- software installation
- download files from the internet
- anything a script can do
- EC2 User Data script runs as {{root}} user
- EC2 Instance Typesβ β
- General Purpose
- Balance between {{compute}}, {{memory}} and {{networking}}.
- can handle a diversity of workloads.
- ideal for apps that divide resource use up {{evenly}} between components e.g. web servers and code repos.
- Compute Optimised
- compute-intensive applications that can use high performance processors.
- good for batch processing, media transcoding, high performance web servers, high performance computing (HPC), scientific modeling, ML, dedicated gaming servers, ad server engines.
- Memory Optimised
- Memory optimized instances are designed to deliver {{fast performance}} for workloads that process large{{ data sets}} in memory.
- Accelerated Computing
- use {{hardware}} accelerators, or co-processors, to perform functions, such as {{floating point}} number calculations (FPGA), {{graphics}} processing (GPU), or data pattern matching, more efficiently than is possible in software running on {{CPUs}}.
- Storage Optimised
- Storage optimized instances are designed for workloads that require high, {{sequential}} read and {{write}} access to very large data sets on {{local}} storage. They are optimized to deliver tens of thousands of {{low}}-latency, {{random}} I/O operations per second (IOPS) to applications.
- General Purpose
- Example: m5.2xlarge
- 'm' instance class
- '5' generation
- '2xlarge' size within the instance class
- Security Groups
- Security Groups control what is allowed inbound and outbound of EC2 instances acts as a stateless "firewall"
- only contain {{ __allow__ }} rules
- rules can be referenced by {{IP}} or another {{Security Group}}
- Configure Rules
- Type: Service (HTTP,SSH,Custom TCP Rule)
- Protocol: TCP/HTTP
- Port Range
- Source: CIDR
- Description: text
- General information
- can attach to {{multiple}} instances
- locked to Region+VPC
- "timeouts" usually sign of SG issue
- "connection refused" this is the application
- Inbound {{blocked}} by default (implicit {{deny}})
- outbound authorised by default
- Classic Port Numbers
- 21 FTP
- 22 SSH
- 22 SCP
- HTTP 80
- HTTPS 443
- RDP 3389
- [EC2 Purchasing Options](../EC2 Purchasing